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Arista Network Test Automation (ANTA) Framework

ANTA is Python framework that automates tests for Arista devices.

  • ANTA provides a set of tests to validate the state of your network
  • ANTA can be used to:
    • Automate NRFU (Network Ready For Use) test on a preproduction network
    • Automate tests on a live network (periodically or on demand)
  • ANTA can be used with:

anta nrfu

# Install ANTA CLI
$ pip install anta

$ anta --help
Usage: anta [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Arista Network Test Automation (ANTA) CLI

  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --username TEXT                 Username to connect to EOS  [env var:
                                  ANTA_USERNAME; required]
  --password TEXT                 Password to connect to EOS that must be
                                  provided. It can be prompted using '--
                                  prompt' option.  [env var: ANTA_PASSWORD]
  --enable-password TEXT          Password to access EOS Privileged EXEC mode.
                                  It can be prompted using '--prompt' option.
                                  Requires '--enable' option.  [env var:
  --enable                        Some commands may require EOS Privileged
                                  EXEC mode. This option tries to access this
                                  mode before sending a command to the device.
                                  [env var: ANTA_ENABLE]
  -P, --prompt                    Prompt for passwords if they are not
  --timeout INTEGER               Global connection timeout  [env var:
                                  ANTA_TIMEOUT; default: 30]
  --insecure                      Disable SSH Host Key validation  [env var:
  -i, --inventory FILE            Path to the inventory YAML file  [env var:
                                  ANTA_INVENTORY; required]
  --log-file FILE                 Send the logs to a file. If logging level is
                                  DEBUG, only INFO or higher will be sent to
                                  stdout.  [env var: ANTA_LOG_FILE]
                                  ANTA logging level  [env var:
                                  ANTA_LOG_LEVEL; default: INFO]
  --ignore-status                 Always exit with success  [env var:
  --ignore-error                  Only report failures and not errors  [env
                                  var: ANTA_IGNORE_ERROR]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  debug  Debug commands for building ANTA
  exec   Execute commands to inventory devices
  get    Get data from/to ANTA
  nrfu   Run NRFU against inventory devices

username, password, enable-password, enable, timeout and insecure values are the same for all devices


The documentation is published on ANTA package website

Contribution guide

Contributions are welcome. Please refer to the contribution guide


Thank you to Angélique Phillipps, Colin MacGiollaEáin, Khelil Sator, Matthieu Tache, Onur Gashi, Paul Lavelle, Guillaume Mulocher and Thomas Grimonet for their contributions and guidances.

Last update: August 8, 2023