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Overview of ANTA's Command-Line Interface (CLI)

ANTA provides a powerful Command-Line Interface (CLI) to perform a wide range of operations. This document provides a comprehensive overview of ANTA CLI usage and its commands.

ANTA can also be used as a Python library, allowing you to build your own tools based on it. Visit this page for more details.

To start using the ANTA CLI, open your terminal and type anta.

Invoking ANTA CLI

$ anta --help
Usage: anta [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Arista Network Test Automation (ANTA) CLI.

  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --log-file FILE                 Send the logs to a file. If logging level is
                                  DEBUG, only INFO or higher will be sent to
                                  stdout.  [env var: ANTA_LOG_FILE]
                                  ANTA logging level  [env var:
                                  ANTA_LOG_LEVEL; default: INFO]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  check  Commands to validate configuration files.
  debug  Commands to execute EOS commands on remote devices.
  exec   Commands to execute various scripts on EOS devices.
  get    Commands to get information from or generate inventories.
  nrfu   Run ANTA tests on selected inventory devices.

ANTA environment variables

Certain parameters are required and can be either passed to the ANTA CLI or set as an environment variable (ENV VAR).

To pass the parameters via the CLI:

anta nrfu -u admin -p arista123 -i inventory.yaml -c tests.yaml

To set them as environment variables:

export ANTA_USERNAME=admin
export ANTA_PASSWORD=arista123
export ANTA_INVENTORY=inventory.yml
export ANTA_CATALOG=tests.yml

Then, run the CLI without options:

anta nrfu


All environment variables may not be needed for every commands. Refer to <command> --help for the comprehensive environment variables names.

Below are the environment variables usable with the anta nrfu command:

Variable Name Purpose Required
ANTA_USERNAME The username to use in the inventory to connect to devices. Yes
ANTA_PASSWORD The password to use in the inventory to connect to devices. Yes
ANTA_INVENTORY The path to the inventory file. Yes
ANTA_CATALOG The path to the catalog file. Yes
ANTA_PROMPT The value to pass to the prompt for password is password is not provided No
ANTA_INSECURE Whether or not using insecure mode when connecting to the EOS devices HTTP API. No
ANTA_DISABLE_CACHE A variable to disable caching for all ANTA tests (enabled by default). No
ANTA_ENABLE Whether it is necessary to go to enable mode on devices. No
ANTA_ENABLE_PASSWORD The optional enable password, when this variable is set, ANTA_ENABLE or --enable is required. No


Caching can be disabled with the global parameter --disable-cache. For more details about how caching is implemented in ANTA, please refer to Caching in ANTA.

ANTA Exit Codes

ANTA CLI utilizes the following exit codes:

  • Exit code 0 - All tests passed successfully.
  • Exit code 1 - An internal error occurred while executing ANTA.
  • Exit code 2 - A usage error was raised.
  • Exit code 3 - Tests were run, but at least one test returned an error.
  • Exit code 4 - Tests were run, but at least one test returned a failure.

To ignore the test status, use anta nrfu --ignore-status, and the exit code will always be 0.

To ignore errors, use anta nrfu --ignore-error, and the exit code will be 0 if all tests succeeded or 1 if any test failed.

Shell Completion

You can enable shell completion for the ANTA CLI:

If you use ZSH shell, add the following line in your ~/.zshrc:

eval "$(_ANTA_COMPLETE=zsh_source anta)" > /dev/null

With bash, add the following line in your ~/.bashrc:

eval "$(_ANTA_COMPLETE=bash_source anta)" > /dev/null