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Executing Commands on Devices

ANTA CLI provides a set of entrypoints to facilitate remote command execution on EOS devices.

EXEC command overview

anta exec --help
Usage: anta exec [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Execute commands to inventory devices

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  clear-counters        Clear counter statistics on EOS devices
  collect-tech-support  Collect scheduled tech-support from EOS devices
  snapshot              Collect commands output from devices in inventory

Clear interfaces counters

This command clears interface counters on EOS devices specified in your inventory.

Command overview

Usage: anta exec clear-counters [OPTIONS]

  Clear counter statistics on EOS devices.

  -u, --username TEXT     Username to connect to EOS  [env var: ANTA_USERNAME;
  -p, --password TEXT     Password to connect to EOS that must be provided. It
                          can be prompted using '--prompt' option.  [env var:
  --enable-password TEXT  Password to access EOS Privileged EXEC mode. It can
                          be prompted using '--prompt' option. Requires '--
                          enable' option.  [env var: ANTA_ENABLE_PASSWORD]
  --enable                Some commands may require EOS Privileged EXEC mode.
                          This option tries to access this mode before sending
                          a command to the device.  [env var: ANTA_ENABLE]
  -P, --prompt            Prompt for passwords if they are not provided.  [env
                          var: ANTA_PROMPT]
  --timeout FLOAT         Global API timeout. This value will be used for all
                          devices.  [env var: ANTA_TIMEOUT; default: 30.0]
  --insecure              Disable SSH Host Key validation.  [env var:
  --disable-cache         Disable cache globally.  [env var:
  -i, --inventory FILE    Path to the inventory YAML file.  [env var:
                          ANTA_INVENTORY; required]
  --tags TEXT             List of tags using comma as separator:
                          tag1,tag2,tag3.  [env var: ANTA_TAGS]
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

username, password, enable-password, enable, timeout and insecure values are the same for all devices


anta exec clear-counters --tags SPINE
[20:19:13] INFO     Connecting to devices...                                                                                                               
           INFO     Clearing counters on remote devices...                                                                                                 
           INFO     Cleared counters on DC1-SPINE2 (cEOSLab)                                                                                               
           INFO     Cleared counters on DC2-SPINE1 (cEOSLab)                                                                                               
           INFO     Cleared counters on DC1-SPINE1 (cEOSLab)                                                                                               
           INFO     Cleared counters on DC2-SPINE2 (cEOSLab)

Collect a set of commands

This command collects all the commands specified in a commands-list file, which can be in either json or text format.

Command overview

Usage: anta exec snapshot [OPTIONS]

  Collect commands output from devices in inventory.

  -u, --username TEXT       Username to connect to EOS  [env var:
                            ANTA_USERNAME; required]
  -p, --password TEXT       Password to connect to EOS that must be provided.
                            It can be prompted using '--prompt' option.  [env
                            var: ANTA_PASSWORD]
  --enable-password TEXT    Password to access EOS Privileged EXEC mode. It
                            can be prompted using '--prompt' option. Requires
                            '--enable' option.  [env var:
  --enable                  Some commands may require EOS Privileged EXEC
                            mode. This option tries to access this mode before
                            sending a command to the device.  [env var:
  -P, --prompt              Prompt for passwords if they are not provided.
                            [env var: ANTA_PROMPT]
  --timeout FLOAT           Global API timeout. This value will be used for
                            all devices.  [env var: ANTA_TIMEOUT; default:
  --insecure                Disable SSH Host Key validation.  [env var:
  --disable-cache           Disable cache globally.  [env var:
  -i, --inventory FILE      Path to the inventory YAML file.  [env var:
                            ANTA_INVENTORY; required]
  --tags TEXT               List of tags using comma as separator:
                            tag1,tag2,tag3.  [env var: ANTA_TAGS]
  -c, --commands-list FILE  File with list of commands to collect  [env var:
                            ANTA_EXEC_SNAPSHOT_COMMANDS_LIST; required]
  -o, --output DIRECTORY    Directory to save commands output.  [env var:
                            ANTA_EXEC_SNAPSHOT_OUTPUT; default:
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

username, password, enable-password, enable, timeout and insecure values are the same for all devices

The commands-list file should follow this structure:

  - show version
  - show bfd peers


anta exec snapshot --tags SPINE --commands-list ./commands.yaml --output ./
[20:25:15] INFO     Connecting to devices...                                                                                                               
           INFO     Collecting commands from remote devices                                                                                                
           INFO     Collected command 'show version' from device DC2-SPINE1 (cEOSLab)                                                                      
           INFO     Collected command 'show version' from device DC2-SPINE2 (cEOSLab)                                                                      
           INFO     Collected command 'show version' from device DC1-SPINE1 (cEOSLab)                                                                      
           INFO     Collected command 'show version' from device DC1-SPINE2 (cEOSLab)                                                                      
[20:25:16] INFO     Collected command 'show bfd peers' from device DC2-SPINE2 (cEOSLab)                                                                    
           INFO     Collected command 'show bfd peers' from device DC2-SPINE1 (cEOSLab)                                                                    
           INFO     Collected command 'show bfd peers' from device DC1-SPINE1 (cEOSLab)                                                                    
           INFO     Collected command 'show bfd peers' from device DC1-SPINE2 (cEOSLab)

The results of the executed commands will be stored in the output directory specified during command execution:

tree _2023-07-14_20_25_15
├── DC1-SPINE1
│   ├── json
│      └── show version.json
│   └── text
│       └── show bfd peers.log
├── DC1-SPINE2
│   ├── json
│      └── show version.json
│   └── text
│       └── show bfd peers.log
├── DC2-SPINE1
│   ├── json
│      └── show version.json
│   └── text
│       └── show bfd peers.log
└── DC2-SPINE2
    ├── json
       └── show version.json
    └── text
        └── show bfd peers.log

12 directories, 8 files

Get Scheduled tech-support

EOS offers a feature that automatically creates a tech-support archive every hour by default. These archives are stored under /mnt/flash/schedule/tech-support.

leaf1#show schedule summary
Maximum concurrent jobs  1
Prepend host name to logfile: Yes
Name                 At Time       Last        Interval       Timeout        Max        Max     Logfile Location                  Status
                                   Time         (mins)        (mins)         Log        Logs
                                                                            Files       Size
----------------- ------------- ----------- -------------- ------------- ----------- ---------- --------------------------------- ------
tech-support           now         08:37          60            30           100         -      flash:schedule/tech-support/      Success

leaf1#bash ls /mnt/flash/schedule/tech-support
leaf1_tech-support_2023-03-09.1337.log.gz  leaf1_tech-support_2023-03-10.0837.log.gz  leaf1_tech-support_2023-03-11.0337.log.gz

For Network Readiness for Use (NRFU) tests and to keep a comprehensive report of the system state before going live, ANTA provides a command-line interface that efficiently retrieves these files.

Command overview

Usage: anta exec collect-tech-support [OPTIONS]

  Collect scheduled tech-support from EOS devices.

  -u, --username TEXT     Username to connect to EOS  [env var: ANTA_USERNAME;
  -p, --password TEXT     Password to connect to EOS that must be provided. It
                          can be prompted using '--prompt' option.  [env var:
  --enable-password TEXT  Password to access EOS Privileged EXEC mode. It can
                          be prompted using '--prompt' option. Requires '--
                          enable' option.  [env var: ANTA_ENABLE_PASSWORD]
  --enable                Some commands may require EOS Privileged EXEC mode.
                          This option tries to access this mode before sending
                          a command to the device.  [env var: ANTA_ENABLE]
  -P, --prompt            Prompt for passwords if they are not provided.  [env
                          var: ANTA_PROMPT]
  --timeout FLOAT         Global API timeout. This value will be used for all
                          devices.  [env var: ANTA_TIMEOUT; default: 30.0]
  --insecure              Disable SSH Host Key validation.  [env var:
  --disable-cache         Disable cache globally.  [env var:
  -i, --inventory FILE    Path to the inventory YAML file.  [env var:
                          ANTA_INVENTORY; required]
  --tags TEXT             List of tags using comma as separator:
                          tag1,tag2,tag3.  [env var: ANTA_TAGS]
  -o, --output PATH       Path for test catalog  [default: ./tech-support]
  --latest INTEGER        Number of scheduled show-tech to retrieve
  --configure             Ensure devices have 'aaa authorization exec default
                          local' configured (required for SCP on EOS). THIS
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

username, password, enable-password, enable, timeout and insecure values are the same for all devices

When executed, this command fetches tech-support files and downloads them locally into a device-specific subfolder within the designated folder. You can specify the output folder with the --output option.

ANTA uses SCP to download files from devices and will not trust unknown SSH hosts by default. Add the SSH public keys of your devices to your known_hosts file or use the anta --insecure option to ignore SSH host keys validation.

The configuration aaa authorization exec default must be present on devices to be able to use SCP. ANTA can automatically configure aaa authorization exec default local using the anta exec collect-tech-support --configure option. If you require specific AAA configuration for aaa authorization exec default, like aaa authorization exec default none or aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+, you will need to configure it manually.

The --latest option allows retrieval of a specific number of the most recent tech-support files.


By default all the tech-support files present on the devices are retrieved.


anta --insecure exec collect-tech-support
[15:27:19] INFO     Connecting to devices...
INFO     Copying '/mnt/flash/schedule/tech-support/spine1_tech-support_2023-06-09.1315.log.gz' from device spine1 to 'tech-support/spine1' locally
INFO     Copying '/mnt/flash/schedule/tech-support/leaf3_tech-support_2023-06-09.1315.log.gz' from device leaf3 to 'tech-support/leaf3' locally
INFO     Copying '/mnt/flash/schedule/tech-support/leaf1_tech-support_2023-06-09.1315.log.gz' from device leaf1 to 'tech-support/leaf1' locally
INFO     Copying '/mnt/flash/schedule/tech-support/leaf2_tech-support_2023-06-09.1315.log.gz' from device leaf2 to 'tech-support/leaf2' locally
INFO     Copying '/mnt/flash/schedule/tech-support/spine2_tech-support_2023-06-09.1315.log.gz' from device spine2 to 'tech-support/spine2' locally
INFO     Copying '/mnt/flash/schedule/tech-support/leaf4_tech-support_2023-06-09.1315.log.gz' from device leaf4 to 'tech-support/leaf4' locally
INFO     Collected 1 scheduled tech-support from leaf2
INFO     Collected 1 scheduled tech-support from spine2
INFO     Collected 1 scheduled tech-support from leaf3
INFO     Collected 1 scheduled tech-support from spine1
INFO     Collected 1 scheduled tech-support from leaf1
INFO     Collected 1 scheduled tech-support from leaf4

The output folder structure is as follows:

tree tech-support/
├── leaf1
│   └── leaf1_tech-support_2023-06-09.1315.log.gz
├── leaf2
│   └── leaf2_tech-support_2023-06-09.1315.log.gz
├── leaf3
│   └── leaf3_tech-support_2023-06-09.1315.log.gz
├── leaf4
│   └── leaf4_tech-support_2023-06-09.1315.log.gz
├── spine1
│   └── spine1_tech-support_2023-06-09.1315.log.gz
└── spine2
    └── spine2_tech-support_2023-06-09.1315.log.gz

6 directories, 6 files

Each device has its own subdirectory containing the collected tech-support files.